Shock news coming out of The Football Association this morning as they have announced talks that they are in a bid to sign Dynamo as the official magician of the F.A. Cup.
An unnamed source said “Well we’ve tried scrapping replays from the Quarter Final stage onwards, we’ve also moved the final kick off time to 5:15pm but what’s the one thing we haven’t actually tried to restore the Magic of the F.A. Cup? Magic!”
In secret talks that have taken place while being levitated in mid air Dynamo has announced a 3 year deal with The Football Association to provide official magic to the competition, something that we can all agree has been lacking over the last few years.
You can forget giant killings and earning a replay away at Anfied, the inclusion of Dynamo in the tournament will be a massive boost to a competition which has been much been marginalised over the years by the Champions League.
When asked about this historic deal The Bradford based magician was quoted as saying ‘Is this your card?’ before proceeding to launch it throw a solid glass window. This left the press not only astonished but excited at the prospect of what is to come.
And Dynamo’s first act will be to make all of the balls for the 4th Round Draw disappear creating a scavenger hunt to find them around the F.A. Offices, something that you can watch by pressing the Red Button on your remote.
Plans for Dynamo’s showpiece act at the Final are still under wraps for now with reports that the F.A. Cup winners medals will be found behind the players ears like the trick your Grandad used to do with a 10p coin being denied.
One thing we can be sure of though is that this might just be the shot in the arm The F.A. Cup requires.