Methinks the manager insist too much. Or something like that. Yes, David Moyes is to be granted his wish to continue the implementation of the master plan which sees Sunderland become a mid-table side in 5 seasons time. The only item of information that is missing in said master plan is which table Sunderland will be middle of in 5 seasons time. Moyes insists that the Sunderland bigwigs want him to stay. That is probably because they couldn’t give a flying one anyway David, and the fact that sacking you would mean even more money being peed down the Mackem drain. They’re going bust anyway, I wouldn’t worry about it.
Jose isn’t happy. He feels, and excuse me why I go and put the “why can’t my strikers finish chances” record back on, that his strikers should have killed the Europa League semi-final last night. He probably has a point, but let’s all take this moment to heap all of English football’s expectations back on the shoulders of Marcus Rashford because it now turns out he can take free kicks as well. So that’s a tick in the box of quick, cheats for penalties and can score free kicks when the goalkeeper screws it up. I can see why English football is in such good shape. Still, I like the lad and he is revelling in that big gap left by Zlatan’s ego.
Jose is set to rest his best players for the game against Arsenal, which is setting the scene beautifully for the Mourinho smirk when they still beat Arsenal. Wenger is not adverse to making peace with Jose, we hear. Well Arsene, you do need all the friends you can get right now.
Ryan Giggs could be in line for not getting another job. He is being linked to the club where all the very best managers cut their teeth. Shteeve McLaren, Bryan Robson and even Gareth Southgate have all been at Middlesbrough and now Giggs, with his vast experience of Championship League Football is thought to be the man that they will interview and turn down.
John Terry and Jermain Defoe might be off to Bournemouth, making me wonder if it is 1997 or something once again. Leicester’s owners are considering buying a Belgian football club, which seems very much to be the way football is going now. Not content with being rich enough to own one club, you need to have a collection. Like fancy sports cars.
Finally today, the FA are said to be considering their position on betting and alcohol sponsorship. That will be a long meeting then. “Dear colleagues, do we like the insane amount of money we raise annually by doing business with these people? Ah yes, I thought we did”. If they kick out betting and alcohol, I hope they will sever all links to the like of McDonald’s, Burger King, Mars Bars, Coca Cola and Haribo (ok, I am not convinced Haribo have ever sponsored football) because they are just as guilty of messing up the younger generations as betting or alcohol ever have or will be.
Have a nice weekend!